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MySQL Foreign Key


[CONSTRAINT constraint_name]
FOREIGN KEY [foreign_key_name] (column_name, ...)
REFERENCES parent_table(colunm_name,...)
[ON DELETE reference_option]
[ON UPDATE reference_option]

In this syntax:

MySQL has five reference options: CASCADE, SET NULL, NO ACTION, RESTRICT, and SET DEFAULT.

In fact, MySQL fully supports three actions: RESTRICT, CASCADE and SET NULL.

If you don’t specify the ON DELETE and ON UPDATE clause, the default action is RESTRICT.

Drop MySQL foreign key constraints

ALTER TABLE table_name
DROP FOREIGN KEY constraint_name;

In this syntax:

Notice that constraint_name is the name of the foreign key constraint specified when you created or added the foreign key constraint to the table.

To obtain the generated constraint name of a table, you use the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement:


Disabling foreign key checks

Sometimes, it is very useful to disable foreign key checks e.g., when you import data from a CSV file into a table. If you don’t disable foreign key checks, you have to load data into a proper order i.e., you have to load data into parent tables first and then child tables, which can be tedious. However, if you disable the foreign key checks, you can load data into tables in any order.

To disable foreign key checks, you use the following statement:

SET foreign_key_checks = 0;

And you can enable it by using the following statement:

SET foreign_key_checks = 1;
