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Writing a Thesis with Markdown and LaTeX


  1. Install necessary software and packages to write a thesis in Markdown.
  2. Convert Markdown to LaTeX or PDF format using Pandoc.
  3. Use Zotero for reference management.
  4. Set up VSCode with Pandoc plugins and configure citations.
  5. Create a Makefile to automate the conversion process.

1. Required Software and Packages

To generate a PDF or Word output in LaTeX format for your thesis, you should install the following software:

1.1. LaTeX Distribution Installation

Install LaTeX and related packages on Ubuntu:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install texlive-full

This installs the full version of LaTeX, which includes all the basic packages and PDF generation engines (e.g., pdflatex, xelatex, lualatex), necessary for your thesis.

1.2. Pandoc Installation

We will use Pandoc to convert the Markdown file into PDF or Word format. Pandoc supports LaTeX, so it can compile your Markdown file to LaTeX format.

To install Pandoc:

sudo apt install pandoc

1.3. Pandoc-Crossref Installation

Pandoc-Crossref is a plugin for Pandoc that allows you to automatically generate citations and references in your Markdown file.

To install Pandoc-Crossref:

# Copy the `pandoc-crossref` file to your `/usr/local/bin` directory
sudo mv pandoc-crossref* /usr/local/bin/
# Make the `pandoc-crossref` file executable
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/pandoc-crossref`

1.4. Zotero Setup

Zotero is a free reference management tool that can store, organize, and format citations for your thesis. You will need the Better BibTeX for Zotero plugin for smooth integration with Pandoc.

1.4.1. Installing Better BibTeX for Zotero

  1. Go to Better BibTeX for Zotero and download the latest release.
  2. In Zotero, navigate to Tools > Plugins, then click gear icon and Install Plugin From File and select the downloaded .xpi file.
  3. Restart Zotero to complete the installation.

1.4.2. Exporting a Collection from Zotero

Once the Better BibTeX plugin is installed, you can export your Zotero collections to a .bib file.

  1. Select the collection or library in Zotero.
  2. Right-click and choose Export Collection.
  3. Choose Better BibLaTeX as the export format and save the file (e.g., ref.bib).

Note: Remember to check the keepUpdated option to keep your references up-to-date. This will be done one-time for each work.

1.5. VSCode Pandoc Plugin Installation

To integrate Pandoc directly into your workflow in VSCode, use the Pandoc Citer extension. With the Pandoc Citer extension installed in VSCode, you can add references by searching your Zotero library directly within the editor.

This allows you to easily manage citations and format them using the CSL style when writing your thesis in Markdown.

1.5.1. Installing Pandoc Citer in VSCode: Way 1

  1. Open VSCode and go to the Extensions tab.
  2. Search for Pandoc Citer and click Install.
  3. This extension will help you easily cite references stored in your .bib file while writing.

1.5.2. Installing Pandoc Citer in VSCode: Way 2

Directly use the following command from terminal:

code --install-extension notzaki.pandocciter

1.5.3. Installing Pandoc Citer in VSCode: Way 3

Press CTRL+P and paste the following code:

ext install notzaki.pandocciter

1.6. Font Installation

# install microsoft fonts
sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
# install nanum fonts for Korean
sudo apt install fonts-nanum

1.7. IEEE CSL Style

For IEEE style citations, you’ll need the ieee.csl file, which defines how references are formatted in your thesis.

You can find the CSL file for IEEE citations and much more here: IEEE CSL Style.

2. Converting with Pandoc

2.1. Converting Markdown to PDF

To convert a Markdown file to PDF, use the following command. Pandoc will use LaTeX engines to generate the PDF output:

pandoc -s -o example.pdf

2.2. Converting Markdown to Word

To convert a Markdown file to Word, use this command:

pandoc -s -o example.docx --reference-doc=template.docx

Make sure you prepare a template.docx file that matches your university’s required formatting (e.g., margins, heading styles).

2.3. Managing References with BibTeX

To manage references in your Markdown file, use BibTeX. Include a reference in the following format:

  author = {Author Name},
  title = {Article Title},
  journal = {Journal Name},
  year = {2024},

You can store your bibliography in a ref.bib file, and Pandoc will process it automatically.

3. Example Makefile

A Makefile is an efficient way to automate the conversion of Markdown to Word, PDF, or other formats.

3.1. Example Makefile

# File variables
CSL = ieee.csl
TEMPLATE = template.docx
OUTPUT_DOC = result.docx
OUTPUT_PDF = result.pdf

# Target: docx output

  pandoc --filter=pandoc-crossref --citeproc -M link-citations=true --bibliography=$(BIBLIOGRAPHY) --csl=$(CSL) --reference-doc=$(TEMPLATE) -s $(INPUT) -o $(OUTPUT_DOC)

  pandoc --filter=pandoc-crossref --citeproc -M link-citations=true --bibliography=$(BIBLIOGRAPHY) --csl=$(CSL) --reference-doc=$(TEMPLATE) --number-sections -s $(INPUT) -o $(OUTPUT_PDF) --pdf-engine=lualatex -V mainfont="Times New Roman" -V CJKmainfont="Nanum Gothic"


3.2. Running the Makefile

To execute the Makefile and convert your document, use:


This command will use the settings from the Makefile to generate the output file (e.g., result.docx).

4. Example Markdown File

In your Markdown file, you can manage citations and references like this:

bibliography: ref.bib
# Chapter 1: Introduction

This is the introduction to the thesis. You can cite sources like this [@source].

Here, @source corresponds to an entry in your ref.bib file. The csl field specifies the citation style.

5. Generating Output

To generate the output in Word or PDF format, run the following command:

5.1. Word Output

pandoc -s -o result.docx -M link-citations=true --reference-doc=template.docx --bibliography=ref.bib --csl=ieee.csl --citeproc

5.2. PDF Output

pandoc -s -o result.pdf --pdf-engine=xelatex --bibliography=ref.bib --csl=ieee.csl --citeproc

This will process your Markdown file, include citations, and format the output according to the IEEE style.
