Terminal Usage
Command | Description |
- |
File |
/etc |
Setting files of all programs in the system is in this file |
cat *.php/wc |
Word counts |
cat /etc/passwd |
Lists all the users |
cat /etc/hosts |
Lists the hosting names and their IP numbers |
cd .. |
Goes to the parent file |
cd - |
Enables us to go to the previous file directory |
cd ~ |
“cd /home/osman” has the same logic |
cd /home/osman |
It is actually “root”/”where the users are”/”user” |
cd /var/www/html |
Enables us to create user,group and to add/delete member |
chown -R g-w /resimler |
Makes the group unable to write |
chown -R $USER:AILE /resimler |
Makes “resimler” folder a part of a group called “AILE” |
code . |
Opens up the files in the VSCode |
cp -r "filename" "target folder name" |
Copies the file as recursive (-r) to the “target folder name” |
[Ctrl] + [C] |
Stops the working command if you have |
[Ctrl] + [D] |
Log out terminal (Saves history) |
[Ctrl] + [L] |
Clears the terminal screen without closing |
[Ctrl] + [R] |
Reverse-i-search |
d |
Directory |
du -s -h "folder name" |
Enables us to see the disk usage of any file as summary (-s) and like human (-h) |
fallocate -l 1G test.img |
Creating a 1GB random file being called as “test.img” |
find "folder name" |
Enables us to figure out the content of any file |
git clone SSH Key |
Clones the repository for given SSH Key |
history +pipe +grep +"reference word" |
Making a search on the history with some reference words |
l |
Link |
less test.img |
Enables us to navigate in the file (shows file content). To quit, use q |
ll |
List long |
ln -s /var/www/html |
Adds a shortcut |
lsblk |
System specifications |
lsusb |
Shows the usb devices |
man "commandname" |
Shows the manual for any command |
mkdir /resimler |
Creates a new folder calles as “resimler” in a predetermined place |
nautilus |
File manager, designed for the GNOME 3 desktop. |
update |
Lists recent versions of the programs in the repository |
upgrade |
Updates our programs being in the “update list” |
ping "yarinlar.com" |
It is used in TERMINAL. If terminal gives us some logical answers, it means that the website, which is in this case “yarinlar.com”, is working |
pv |
It is like cat command but it has a feature of showing the process level of the current task. |
pwd |
Where I am |
rm ?.php |
Deletes the .php files which have only one character in the name |
rsync -ravz --delete /source/path/ /target/path/ |
Deletes the files which are not currently available in the source but available in the target |
rsync -ravz /source/path/ /target/path/ |
Synchronizes the files like scp but it just takes the files which are not currently being in the target. And to make the process fast, -ravz command is used which has the components of |
<table> <thead> <tr> <th>Command</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>rsync r </td> <td>recursive</td> </tr> <tr> <td>rsync a </td> <td>archive</td> </tr> <tr> <td>rsync v </td> <td>verbose</td> </tr> <tr> <td>rsync z </td> <td>zip</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> |
scp -r /source/path/* /target/path/ |
Coppies the files being in the source to the target file. /* means all of the files |
shutdown -h now |
Close the machine and halt now |
shutdown -r now |
Close the machine and restart now |
ssh root@$serverip |
To connect an ip address |
sudo mount /dev/sdb2 /media/"user" |
Mounts the HDD to the user |
sudo umount /media/"user"/"flash memory name"/ |
Savely removes the flash memory from computer |
time "command" |
Shows the time necessary to process any command |
touch test.php |
Creates an empty file called “test.php” |
top -i |
Display dynamic real-time information about running processes. Option -i lets you to hide the idle process and only show the active ones. |
unzip teklif.zip |
To unzip the “teklif.zip” |
uptime |
Shows the time of continuous work for PC |
vim .bashrc |
Enables us to edit the file which contains the commands working when the computer is started |
zip -r teklif.zip teklifhazirla |
To zip the “teklifhazirla” file as “teklif.zip” |
NOTE: The files which start with “.” are secret files.
In Detail
alias connect1=ssh root@$serverip
- Creates an alias for ssh root@$serverip as connect1 if you right that command on .bashrc file.
find "folder name" | wc -l
- Finds the given “folder name” and then counts the number of files in it.
mysql -u dbadmin -p < sakila-schema.sql
- Import sql file to MySQL.
rsync -ravz --delete root@ ./
- ”./” shows the directory of the copy command as a file which I am currently in.
scp -r /var/www/html/sitelerim/* root@
- Coppies the files being in the source to the target file. “Source” is /var/www/html/sitelerim and “Target” is root@ “/*” means all of the files.
sed 's/./&\n/g' 1.txt | sort | uniq -ic | sort -nr | head -n 6 | tail -n 5
- Finds out the how many times a word is repeated and sorts the result in a descending way and takes the last 5 rows of the first 6 rows.
seq 10|xargs -I{} touch {}.txt
- Creates a series of files from 1 to 10 and saves them as a .txt file from 1 to 10.
seq 10|xargs -I{} cp -r "file name" {}/
- Creates 10 copy of the original files in the target directory and names them as {}.txt while copying the given “file name”.
seq 140|xargs -P 20 -I{} wget -q -O {} "https://quakelogic.net/Pubs/{}.pdf" \;
- Downloads 140 pdf files from specified website with 20 parallel downloads.
upower -i /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0
- Shows the battery level of the computer.
upower --dump | grep "percentage"
- Shows the battery level of the wireless mouse.
wget -r --no-parent https://stayyoungwith.com/wp-content/uploads/
- Downloads all of the files in the given website.
wget -r --no-parent -A *.mp4 https://stayyoungwith.com/wp-content/uploads/
- Downloads all of the mp4 files in the given website.
wget -r --no-parent -R *.mp4 https://stayyoungwith.com/wp-content/uploads/
- Downloads all of the files (except mp4) in the given website.
rename -n 's/ /./g' *
- Changes all of spaces to
from all of the existing files and folders (just in terminal).
- Changes all of spaces to
for file in *; do mv "$file"
echo $filetr -cd ‘.A-Za-z0-9_-‘ ;done
- Deletes all of the special characters from all of the existing files and folders.
ॐNámásté Egész-ség.mkv --> NmstEgsz-sg.mkv
ffmpeg -i "filename" -ss "start" -t "end" -c copy "newfilename"
- Crops videoclip and save it as mp4 file on linux terminal.
is not installed on your system, usesudo apt install ffmpeg -y
- Crops videoclip and save it as mp4 file on linux terminal.
ffmpeg -i "filename.mp4" -vn -acodec copy "newfilename.acc"
- Converts mp4 file to aac (like mp3) file on linux terminal.
ffmpeg -i 1.webm -vf "scale=1920:1080" 1.mp4
- Converts webm file to mp4 file on linux terminal with a resolution of 1920:1080 pixels (can subject to change).
ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset fast 2.mp4
- Fixes the problematic video (no video or async video/sound) and decreases its size.
cat "filename.txt" | xclip -sel clip
- Copies the file content directly to the clipboard so you can paste it directly.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
- Configures the date and time correctly if some problem occurs.
setxkbmap tr
- Sets keyboard settings for Türkçe.
wget -A html --no-clobber --random-wait --no-parent --convert-links --level 1 --no-check-certificate -U "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:6.0a2) Gecko/20110613 Firefox/6.0a2" -r https://www.$domain.com/
wget -A html --no-clobber --random-wait --no-parent --level 1 --no-check-certificate -U "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:6.0a2) Gecko/20110613 Firefox/6.0a2" -r https://www.$domain.com/
- Installs a web site’s files. Its parameters are as follows
defines which files will be dowloaded--no-clobber
prevents file in the new copy to overwrite the old--random-wait
waits randomly between the retrievals--no-parent
does not ever ascend to the parent directory when retrieving recursively--convert-links
after the download is complete, convert the links in the document to make them suitable for local viewing--level 1
specifies recursion maximum depth level depth. Use inf as the value for inifinite--no-check-certificate
prevents you to be blocked by the certification problems-r
turns on recursive retrieving. The default maximum depth is 5. If the website has more levels than 5, then you can specify it with--level=depth
- Installs a web site’s files. Its parameters are as follows
find ./ -type f -exec sed -i 's|https://www\.example\.com/|\./|gI' {} \;
- Changes the
phrase with ./.
- Changes the
pv /dev/sda | dd /dev/sdb
- Copies the files inside of /dev/sda to /dev/sdb and shows the process level.
find ./ -size 0c -delete
- Finds and deletes all the 0 byte files.
find . -name "*.html" |wc
- Finds the number of HTML files in current directory.
hashcat 78b6c1cd9f90d2560525966c76d8d398 -a 3 -m 0
- Hacks the md5 format password to get the actual password.
hashcat -a 3 -m 0 ~/pass.csv
- Hacks the md5 format password inside of pass.cv file to get the actual password.
$ rsync -av --partial --inplace --append --progress root@server-ip:/file/location .
- Downloads a super large file over SSH using rsync. If the connection interrupts, the download resumes from the same point instead of starting from scratch. And it saves bandwidth.
--inplace : update destination files in-place --partial : keep partially transferred files --append : append data onto shorter files --progress : show progress during transfer
dd if=/dev/urandom of=16G.img bs=1G count=16
- Creates a 16 GB of one file called 16G.img.
for i in *.sql; do echo "Importing: $i"; mysql -u root -proot ozlem2 < $i; done;
# if the content of '~/.my.cnf' is set as
# [client]
# user=root
# password="root"
for i in *.sql; do echo "Importing: $i"; mysql ozlem2 < $i; done;
- Runs more than one sql at the same time.
echo willBeShown
echo willNotBeShown
echo willBeShown
Not to show a command in history, just add a SPACE front of it.
find ~/Downloads/SQL -type f -name "\*.sql.gz" -cmin -15 | xargs pv | gunzip | mysql test;
- Finds the *.sql.gz files that have changed in the last 15 minutes and import them into the test database.
pr -F *.md > newfile.md
- Combines all markdown files into single file called ‘newFile.md’.
lowriter --convert-to pdf *.docx
- Converts all of the given files (ex; docx) to PDF documents
exiftool -AllDates="2000:01:01 00:00:00" *.jpg
- Changes all dates to 2000:01:01 00:00:00 for
files in a directory.
- Changes all dates to 2000:01:01 00:00:00 for
gunzip -c /path/to/file/*.gz | pv | mysql -f -D $dbname
- Unzip all the files and import them into mysql in local with showing the progress (pv).
for file in [0-9]*; do git mv "$file" "${file:3}"; done
- Deletes the first 3 characters of the files (without harming its history) starting with any number.
sed -i 's/old-text/new-text/g' input.txt
- Finds all occurrences of ‘old-text‘ and replace with ‘new-text‘ in a file named input.txt.
for file in *.jpg; do
# Extract the base file name without extension
filename=$(basename -- "$file" .jpg)
# Convert the base file name to lowercase and replace underscores with dots
newname=$(echo "$filename" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/_/./g').jpg
# Rename the file
mv "$file" "$newname"
Above code
- loops through all .jpg files in the directory.
- extracts the base file name without extension, for each file.
- converts the base file name to lowercase and replaces underscores with dots.
- renames the file using the new name.
- Ex: It transforms
pdftk 1.pdf 2.pdf cat output combined.pdf
- Combines multiple pdf’s into a single pdf file.
dos2unix -r *.php
- Converts all of the .php files in the current directory to unix format.
curl wttr.in/Ankara
- Shows the weather in Ankara
telnet mapscii.me
- Shows the ascii map of the world
echo "Hello World" | pv -L 4 -q
- Prints the text (Hello World) with a progress bar.
echo "Hello World" | boxes -d dog -a c
- Prints the text (Hello World) with a box with a dog.
lsb_release -a
- Shows the distribution information.
sudo ln -s originalDirectory shortcutDirectory
- Creates a symbolic link.
lsof -i :8000-8010
- Lists the things that are using port 8000-8010.
for port in {8000..8010}; do kill -9 $port; done
- Kills the things that are using ports being between 8000-8010.
find . -name "*.pdf" -exec pdfinfo {} \; | awk '/Pages:/ {total += $2} END {print "Total pages:", total}'
- Shows the total number of pages in the pdf files in the current directory.
# Get the name of the current directory folder_name=$(basename "$PWD") # Merge PDF files and name the output file pdftk *.pdf cat output "0.${folder_name}.pdf"
- Merges the pdf files in the current directory.
# File to rotate pdf="input.pdf" # Check if the file exists if [[ -e "$pdf" ]]; then echo "Rotating: $pdf" # Rotate the PDF and overwrite the original file pdftk "$pdf" cat 1-endeast output "rotated_$pdf" && mv "rotated_$pdf" "$pdf" echo "Successfully rotated: $pdf" else echo "File not found: $pdf" fi
- Rotates the selected pdf file in the current directory.